Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January Workout Selfies


I’m getting back to loving my workouts. 

Running, walking, circuit training, elliptical, treadmill, stair stepper, strength training...All of it will make me strong - All of it will make me fit - All of it will help me reach my goals!!!!!!

2018 - Day #31

Today is day #31 of 2018

Successes for January...
*Ended my first DietBet of the year down 9.6 lbs 
*31 days of really focusing on better eating and more active workouts
*Up at 6am to run on the treadmill - last week I did it 4 mornings, this week I’ve done 3 so far 
*Double or triple workouts most days since early last week including cardio and strength training
*Joined Youfit gym and have consistently used at least 5 times a week
*Brought a buddy including both kids and family to the gym for workouts 
*Logged meals and snacks in MFP most days
*Drank 80+ ounces of water daily
*To bed around 11pm each night

I reviewed my losses each year since I started my journey in January 2008. It’s crazy how I had 4 straight years of losses and then it was up down up down for the next 6 years. 
I started 2018 at my highest weight since 2010 and I’m pretty pissed off about it, BUT I realized that where I am now and where I want to be is 52lbs apart. There are 52 weeks in the year so by the end of 2018 I will be at my goal weight of 169.8. 

I will adjust my new “do not go above this weight” number to 170lbs. I feel good about my plan and my goals. Getting it done is always a struggle but I’ve done it before so I know I can do it again. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2018 - day #2

Real day #1 started off right. Took measurements and logged them. Had a good breakfast that I logged. Lunch and snacks packed in my lunch bag and logged. Workout clothes are packed to squeeze something in while at the office. Walked the dog for 10 mins before I headed to work. 

Great day with eating on point with over 100oz of water and no diet soda all day. I did have large lt iced coffee after my evening workout to ride me over until I got home to make dinner. I didn’t get to workout during the day but visited youfit by archery on a guest pass and did 25 mins cardio and 30 mins circuit. Feels so good to be working out again. Scale will start moving in the right direction this week for sure. Lunch bag is packed for tomorrow but I’m not in bed headed to sleep as early as I would like. 

Tomorrow is another day to accomplish a new goal lol. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

2018 - Day #1

Well it’s a new year but I’m not back to work yet so I didn’t officially start working towards my goals today. I ate what I wanted at Beth and David’s brunch and then I ate wonton soup for dinner left over from our NYE Chinese. 

I did take the dog for a .5mile run to start my RunBet on track and I did my official weighin for DietBet #1 which runs from 1/1-1/28. Not going to lie, I waited until the end of the day and the weighin was disgusting - 221.6lbs of yuck - but it’s done and now I have 8.9lbs to lose in the next 4 weeks to win my bet. I honestly don’t care about winning extra money - I just DO NOT WANT TO LOSE MY BET!!!!

My lunchbox is packed for snacks and lunch for work tomorrow and I’ll make a healthy choice when Emma and I get dinner while Nick’s at archery tomorrow night. I’m setting an alarm to get up and bang out the .8 miles for day#2 of the RunBet BUT I’m not a morning person so no promises. 

I will get a workout in tomorrow during lunch especially if I don’t do the am thing since we have archery tomorrow night. 

Onto a smaller and tighter year for Denise Keeley in 2018!!!!