Friday, December 16, 2011

I have decided....

i'm making my 2nd consultation with a new surgeon to discuss my tummy tuck...i met with the surgeon who did my breast reduction in 2000 this past january when i made it below 199 (was always my original goal) and did not get a good vibe from him or his office so i shelved my plans indefinitely....
then this summer i decided when i got firmly into the 170s i would see another surgeon that an acquaintance used and that i have heard good things about...
well i'm still in the 170s now - i'd say i'm firmly here goal was to be under 160 by the end of this year but it is just not happening....i'm running, i'm lifting, i'm doing well in all areas but i'm not getting out for the 170s since May when i got out of the 180s....i know i have more weight to lose but am wondering if i'm "stuck" physically and mentally due to my "tummy"????
this morning i decided that I am going to make the appt for the consultation and go from hubby supports me and whatever decision i choose although he is worried about surgery, he knows that this is something i have wanted for a very long time....
looking forward to hearing back from the surgeon's office about setting up my appt just to see where i'm at....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Plans for December...

I shuffled around my workout schedule a bit when I realized that today was the first of december and that the friggin year is almost over and that christmas is only 24 days away...
Anyway in December I am going to:
FITNESS: Complete the warrior dash this Saturday - dont give a shit about the time, I just want to finish
Continue with my 1/2 training with two 30-45 min runs and one "long" run each week
Hold off on starting stage 2 of nrolfw until the 26th so Ii can actually enjoy it and not feel extra stress about being short on time with the holiday hullabalu.
Go to spin 4 of the 5 thurs in December.
SLEEP: I would love to say i will get to bed by 1130 but with the crunch of shopping and decorating and wrapping, i'm bumping my bedtime to NO LATER THAN 12 for at least 6.5hrs of sleep a night.
FOOD: Continue with zig zag cals this month.
WATER: Drink 100+ oz everyday even the damn weekends.