Friday, November 2, 2012

6 weeks post op update with pics....

Okay so today i'm 6 weeks post op and i guess it's time for more picture comparisons and an update...
i went back to the YMCA last night for my first "real" workout. i did 3 miles on the elliptical in just under 28 mins and then took renee's spin class i used to take every thurs felt amazing to push myself and not have any pain or worry of felt even better to see a 3000+ calorie burn on my BMF readout too :)

i would say that i am 90% healed with no more swelling. i've stopped wearing the compression garments including the spanx and am back to wearing just my regular underwear under my feels weird with the fabric on my skin since i dont have all my feeling back in my midsection (it may never come back completely) scar is completely healed and flat....i asked about using the scarguard cream the dr recommends prior to the surgery and he said it's not necessary as my scar more than likely wont look any better than it does right now (meaning it looks pretty damn good and flat) bottoms fit but not "right" butt and thighs gained while i was not working out the last 6 wks so things feel tight there but are loose around my waist making things not feel quite right yet...i'm holding off on buying any new clothes until i feel like everything i have now doesnt fit right anymore cause they are too loose everywhere.....

this morning i put 5 workouts on my weekly calendar with 2 short runs, 1 long run, 2 cross training days with either spin class, zumba and/or lifting weights and 2 rest days......i'm going to "officially" start a 12wk training program for the 2013 disney princess 1/2 marathon on dec 2nd but until then i'm pretty much following the workout schedule, just doing 4 miles on my "long run" days with no build up so when i hit 12/2 and i have to do a 4 mile long run i will be able to and then build from friend kara has decided to join me in the princess race and i'm very excited to train and plan on running the entire event with her versus doing run/walk intervals like my past 2 races....

pre-op compared to 3 weeks compared to 6 weeks