Saturday, September 29, 2012

7 days post op update with pics

update from my 7day post op appt. 

Sorry I forgot to post yesterday after my appt. I took pics but was not on computer to do comparison post.
I got sutures and surgical tape removed. 
I did not have my drain removed as I am still putting out to much fluid to it each day. As soon as 
I'm down to 30cc output each day it can come out. Hoping for Monday if I lay low this weekend it should go down. 
I got a new compression garment - like underwear/spanx with a side zipper/hook thingy. Its like wearing the bottom half of a onsie for grownups lol. 
Another dose of the antibiotic since I still have the drain in. 
He is very happy with my progress and so am I. 
So this weekend will be lots of lounging around so I can get this fluid down and heal up on the inside which is what is causing the draining. 
Oh and I slept in my own bed last night. Mike fell asleep watching tv and I snuck up alone to our bed until like 6 when his snoring ass joined me. It was not as comfortable as I have dreamed about over the last week but I know it will be better when I can lay on both sides - with the drain I'm pretty uncomfortable on my right side still.)

Friday, September 28, 2012

1 week ago...

Just 1 VERY short week ago I left my purse and my cell in the waiting room after giving my husband one of the tightest hugs ever and walked to the back of the surgical center at Esthetica Institute.

I got naked; Dr. Delange drew marks with what I think was a black sharpie on my tummy; got my vitals taken by a nurse named Ashley; had an IV inserted into my arm by a very kind and friendly anesthesiologist named Jennifer and then walked myself across the hall into the operating room.

I remember getting on the table and having warm blankets placed over me and feeling the warmth of the heated table under me. I remember someone saying they were going to strap my arms down on each side of me. Then Jennifer put a mask over my mouth loosely and said she was just giving me some fresh air...

3 hours later I'm walking hunched over like an 80 yr old woman across the hall into a recovery room with a very uncomfortable recliner.

I remember being soooooooo soooooo incredibly HOT. I heard them tell Dr. Delange as he passed the room that my temp was fine but I was "sweating profusely". Then I felt the most incredible tightness in my midsection. It was almost unbearable at that point. Ashley got me a cold towel for my forehead and tried to cool me off and "bring me around". I could not keep my eyes open, I just felt sooooo tired. But that gave me the "spins" and I started to feel sooo completely nauseous, like I have never felt before, and I knew I had to throw up but was sooo afraid of hurting my newly tightened stomach muscles. Ashley kept encouraging me to keep my eyes open and focus on something to help with the queasiness but I just couldn't. And then it came - the first round of vomiting - just bile and dry heaving but ever so painful nonetheless. Then I heard them say, "let's get her husband" and then he was there. Mike was sitting beside me rubbing my arm and holding my hand. I still felt nauseous but was able to have a few sips of water. I started to feel better so I drank more water. After about 20 mins of feeling better and thinking we were going to get ready to be discharged, all of a sudden, I felt another huge wave of nausea and ended up throwing up a second time - all that water I had and it was officially the worst experience ever. I felt the wave come and was alone and remember yelling to Mike and Ashley, "I'm going to throw up AGAIN!!!!" It was horrible. Ashley ended up giving me a shot to help with the queasiness AND then I felt soooo much better pretty quickly after that.

Ashley cleaned me up and helped me get dressed and then she had to head back into another surgery and had a second girl who was wearing a black sparkly Esthetica tshirt and black jeans and a pair of the highest healed shoes I've ever seen, took my IV out and helped me get into our van to head home.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Driving on day 6...

Holy shit I feel like I'm 16 again - driving for the first time today since last Thursday. I was terrified and ended up turning around and not getting a pedicure like I had planned but just getting a sandwich from subway and returning an unopened medicine to Walgreens. I was so nervous and overly cautious.

I did pick up both runts from 2 different schools and grabbed them some dinner before heading home. I'm going to run out in a few minutes to pick up Chinese BUT I'm not going to drive myself to my dr appt tomorrow. It's like 30 mins away and I'm afraid if I get my drain out or sutures removed I might be a little "woozy" and not able to drive "all" that way back home alone. So I'm going up rely on my friend Kara to be my last babysitter for the week. This weekend we will be laying low and hanging around home.

I can't believe it's been a week since my surgery. I swear I must be a freak of nature healing as quickly as I have.

I'll post 7 days since surgery comparison pics tomorrow after my appt hopefully in the afternoon before picking up the runts.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 5 post op

Had Mike help me adjust my compression garment this am. The swelling has gone down so much more since yesterday and the day before.

I've been off pain meds since midday Monday due to the constipation issue. I really truly haven't needed them. I only have a sharp pull type pain every once in a while at a suture spot. I sneezed for the first time last night and also dropped a wii remote just below my incision where I had a little lipo, both stopped me in my tracks. I could have vomited with the sudden pain. But luckily it passed and no harm was done. Thank goodness all is well in the bathroom again because I think that was what was causing the majority of my swelling and abdominal pain.

Nick is my helper today as there is no school for him (yom kippur?). So far he has filled my water cup with ice, turned off the lights, put a pillow under my feet and get flushable wipes & toilet paper from the upstairs bathroom. He said he is "my friend helper" for today. I could have been home alone but since he has no school it give us a chance to hang out alone some. We don't get time like this usually with Mike and Emma around.

I go back to the dr on fri and hopefully have my drain removed and maybe some stitches too. I'll take more pictures then for a before surgery-3 day-7day comparison and will post on Friday afternoon.

I'm very happy with my results so far. I have not tried on any of my "real" clothes yet - just wearing workout pants & shorts & my hubby's boxer briefs. It'll be so exciting trying on clothes in my closet that have not ever fit yet. I have a bunch of size 10s that were just toooo tight. I'm thinking not anymore. :-)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Post-op appt update

Few things from my dr's visit:

No eating until I poop.

Stop taking the Percocet pain pills and switch to Tylenol only to help get things flowing right. I can take the muscle relaxers as they don't cause constipation.

Pain ball was removed.

Drain stays in until at least Friday's appt as long as I have less than 30ccs of fluid over 24hr period.

Keep binder on tight until I see him again on Friday @ 12:15.

I can shower as much as I want just no direct hit with the water on stitches.

Doing well and he says all looks good.

Day 3...

I still can't believe I had my surgery just 3 days ago. I feel good overall but I'm pretty tender on my abdomen near my incision.

I still have not had a real BM just a little bit so that is not a good thing. Hoping stool softener will kick in soon so things get moving more easily.

Kids and mike are gone to school and work and my friend Kerri is on her way to hang with me and take me to my first post-op appt.

I think I'm going to shower before we go so the dr can redress a clean body versus going to appt getting redressed and then coming home and ruining it with a shower.

I'll be able to take a quick peak and maybe a picture or two :-) I'm excited to see what's under all this binding.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bathroom issues...

I have never had a problem with going to the bathroom - not while preggers or post delivery with either kid. I'm probably one of the most regular people I know lol but since my surgery I have not gone yet and I'm not supposed to let it go too long. So now I'm taking stool softener/laxative plus I did a glycerin suppository a little bit ago. Here's hoping I poop soon!!!!

Day 2 post-op

Last night was better than the first night. Draining has slowed down and the muscle contractions have pretty much stopped unless I move the wrong way. I ended up sleeping on the couch for part of the night cause I just couldn't get comfortable in the recliner. We added another comforter over the chair and it definitely feels more cushiony. Started taking miralax yesterday and then again this am to help me "go to the bathroom" but it's still not happened yet so mike ran out to Walgreens to pick up some senocot and hopefully it'll get moving soon. Looking forward to my dr.'s appt so I can see what is under the binder garment. I have yet to see my flat tummy yet :-)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

1st day down.

Home just after 1.
One and only throw up at home before settling into my chair.
Meds and sleep and some tv and more meds lol.

First night has passed. I'm definitely keeping up with the pain and muscle relaxer meds on a tight schedule. The recliner chair works well but it's hard to stay in one position ALL the time. I'm super sore and tight. I didn't sleep well at all so I foresee lots of naps today.

I forgot to share that the dr took off 5lbs & 1 oz of skin and fat.

I have a pain pump but I'm not 100% sure it's working lol.

Friday, September 21, 2012

12 hrs post op....

I feel good. No "real" pain yet. Tight tight tight in all my abdominal areas like I did the best or worst (lol) core workout of my entire life. Starting to feel a little tingly at my incision site but it doesnt hurt persay. Just finished watching last night's glee and now I think I'll take another snooze while
Mike finishing making his dinner. I'm getting sleepy again after taking my medicine. Keeping up with that on a tight schedule for sure. Im not gonna let the pain creep in at all. I have no idea what I look like under the compression garments. But my sweatshirt is wayyyy more loose on the bottom when zipped up. Ahhhh, I have a flat tummy. Wooohoooo. Can't wait to see it.

My befores....

front no clothes

side no clothes

front w.clothes
side w/clothes

It's here...

Today is the big day.

I was awakened at 2 by a screeching cat and a low flying plane and then again at 4 by the same or possibly another cat and a low flying jet.
Couldn't fall back asleep of course. Thinking about today and then just chatting with mike while laying in bed.

I just went and snuggled with nick for a few minutes and he woke up to go pee. I love snuggling with my boy. He told me on the way to the bathroom that he was sorry I was going to be hurting after my surgery. Such a sweet thing. I assured him that I'd be fine and that the worst part would be not being able to lay with them in their beds for a couple of weeks.

Not being able to snuggle with my kids is truly going to be the hardest part. I'm thinking about it and crying as I type. I love them so much and just pray that I am not putting myself at risk to improve my life and health and jeopardizing my life with them. That would be my only regret in life.

Gonna hop in the shower now and then snuggle with my emmadoodle after since she wakes up easier and I want to make sure she gets a little more sleep as I'm already waking them up earlier than usual for grampa to do the morning routine and bring them to school after we leave at 7.

This is it.

At 745 we arrive and meet the anesthesiologist. Surgery should start right after 8. Should be home and resting by 1.

So glad I decided to let the kids go with Kameron.

Start off right and get my rest right from the start and hopefully the rest just falls into place and the healing is quick.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Starting to panic a bit....

i'm at work and i'm planning on staying a bit later today (skipping the gym and my workout) to finish up 2 client billings and make sure all the accts are covered until i return to the office on 10/1 on top of the typical thursday money shuffle to cover payroll that comes out tonight....i dont think i'm going to finish both bills even if i push it and that pisses me off....

i havent been able to get out even for my little bit to finish the 2.58miles i left to finish my september goal...I AM NOT GOING TO STRESS ABOUT THOSE STUPID MILES....seriously i have got to put everything into perspective....

my mind is just reeling with everything and i just want this day to be over so i can go to the dr's office and have this surgery and be done and on my way to healing....the kids are all set for drop off at school by grampa and then with my friend kameron fri night and into sat....the recliner chair was delivered to my house today....

i just need to take a breathe and finish this work so i dont feel compelled to "rush" back to it next week even if it is remotely from my house....i know i'll be feeling better towards the end of the week and will be able to do the other bill if i dont finish it today and i just have to accept that...

i can only do what i can do.....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wow, just 2 more sleeps...

How did this time go by so fast?
Just 2 more days until my surgery. Full days at work today and tomorrow preparing to be off all next week - client billings, trade checks cut, payroll covered for 2 weeks. Busy busy stuff.

I have printed out a living will and just need to have it witnessed by 2 people to make it official. I also need to dig out the will an attorney made up for us like 8 yrs ago that we never just finalized.

Lift chair is being delivered tomorrow and hopefully Amanda can meet them to accept the delivery so I don't have to run home.

Just keep breathing and believing that what I'm doing is the right thing for me and it is time.

Monday, September 17, 2012

It's really this week???

Oh. My. God.

it's really this just 4 short days i am having my tummy tuck....i'm literally feeling uneasy in my stomach as i type these i printed out a living will and will execute before friday and provide to my surgeon for my file prior to my surgery....i am working on getting together a will that an attorney did up for mike and i a million years ago either when i was newly pregnant with nick or right after i had him...i never finalized it....i hate hate hate thinking about this kind of stuff but once i have it all complete, i'll never have to worry about it again.....i can move on and get back to my positive thinking because NOTHING is going to go wrong...

i'm going to have this surgery on friday morning...
i'm going to recover amazingly well because i'm just awesome that way...
i'm going to love my new tummy every day for the rest of my life...

wow, just 4 more sleeps and 4 more wake ups and then i'll be headed off to surgery....i deserve this. i earned this. i can't wait for this...

Friday, September 14, 2012

1 more week....

HOLY just 1 week from right now i will be "waking" up in recovery getting ready to head home after having my tummy tuck...


this is truly happening...i am absolutely 100% committed to making this change to my life forever and this surgery will just cement that decision and "reward" me for all my hard work to date....

i can not express the fear, excitement, anxiety, nervousness, did i mention excitement i feel as the day draws closer....

literally in 1 wk from RIGHT NOW i will have a FLAT TUMMY!!!!!

i'm about to burst out of my seams lol with excitement :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pre-Op Appt Today...

so today was my pre-op appt with the nurse and then the plastic surgeon....she and i went over the pre-op and post-op stuff/sheet and got together my prescriptions....then we took my before, 4 views i cant wait to compare to post-op....then i met with dr. delange and he just pretty much showed me where my incision line will be, much lower than i thought which is good because it will also allow for him to "lift" my pubic mound "up" with the tuck as it is puffy/saggy just like my i have to shave the top section and then we'll see how it is affected after the surgery and how much "care" will be needed as i think he will be taking part of it out with the skin....i'm super nervous and was feeling very sick in my stomach as i drove to my appt but i'm confident more and more each day that this is the right decision for me....i need this to be done and over with and i will be so much happier with myself and will be able to continue on and "finish" up this process of reaching my goal...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Wow, just 11 more sleeps....

holy shit i'm under 2wks until my surgery and actually feel like it's closer to 1 week away versus 2 lol....

i just had a minor breakdown with tears and everything with my MALE boss lol...seriously...thank god we have worked together for 12yrs or i'm sure he would have fired me by now....

so many worries shuffling through my head:
  1. worried about nick and school and behavior issues...
  2. worried about my pre-op appt tomorrow knowing my surgery is just 11 days away...
  3. worried about getting billings done and out for clients to get money into us before i go out so i can pay as many people as i can so i dont have to worry about cutting checks from home...
  4. worried about the damn surgery and not being able to do everything i will need/want to while i'm recovering...
yup, i'm one big ball of emotion this afternoon and my very kind and considerate MALE boss got the brunt of it, lucky him :)

all i can do now is just take deep breaths, tackle each issue as it comes and put off as many worries as i can until they can be taken care of....i guess this mental prep is going to be the biggest preparation i have to do before the surgery....

Thursday, September 6, 2012

OMG only 2 more wks until my surgery....

wow, it's really starting to settle in that i have just 14 more days until i go to bed and wake up and head to the surgical center for my surgery...just need to get "over" caught up at work next week and then i wont feel so much stress the actual week of my surgery....fortunately i will be able to work remotely from home a bit once i'm feeling up to it.....anyway, getting my lists together of things that need to be done before surgery and who's doing what while i'm recovering....getting the kids situated is my biggest challenge but luckily i have family and friends and my hubby to help figure it all out so it all goes smoothly and i can remain "stress free" hahahaha, yeah right...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Only 17 more sleeps....

holy crap, only 17 more days until my surgery....
did a big BJ's shop yesterday and have the following in the freezer so far:
4 meatloaves
4 marinated stks
2 pks of marinated pork chops
2 dry rub marinated pork loin roasts
1 marinated chuck roast for the crockpot (french dip sandwiches)

tonight i have to do up 30 b/s chix breasts into 5 different recipes, including:
maui chix
chix cordon blue
carribean chix
cheddar/cracker chix
ranch chix parm

this will get my freezer all set up thru october and mike will only have to shop for the essentials like fresh fruit & veggies, dairy and bread while i'm recovering....

Other TO DOS:
i called around about an electric lift recliner to rent to sleep in downstairs after the surgery and it's only $125/month with delivery and pickup....can't beat that so i'm setting up the rental for delivery on 9/20...
i'm going to schedule cleaners to come either a few days before my surgery or tuesday following my surgery while i'm home...
i'm also going to schedule the carpet cleaner to do upstairs and terminex to come for their inspection as well as "spot" treat a baseboard in our room that keeps having droppings in front of it....

i'm going to be home anyway, so why not get all this shit done then right???? lol, not like i have to lift a finger or anything to get this stuff done :)

wow, just 17 more sleeps....