Thursday, December 28, 2017

2018 is right around the corner!!!

So another year is starting and I’m still working on reaching my goal weight. That number has changed so many times over the years as I go up and down and back up again. I’m starting another year over 200 and it pissed me off. I know eating well and working out go hand and hand for me. I haven’t been pushing myself with workouts so I haven’t been eating well so I haven’t been pushing myself with workouts. It’s a vicious vicious cycle that must be broken.

So I joined a DietBet and a StepBet starting January 1st. I think I’m going to join a second DietBet to really put the pressure on. If I’m going to lose the weight I might as be in 2 challenges and reap the financial rewards when I win at the end of both!!!

I’m also thinking about paying for a membership at the  gym I go with Beth. Debating on doing lime membership so I can take 1 kid and go to any branch. It’s an extra $15 a month - not sure if it’s necessary but I like the idea of the kids being able to workout and going to any location. We’ll see. 

When I finally reach my goal weight, I want to get a small butterfly tattoo on my hip, so this is meant to happen in 2018 right??? Just look at the sign!!!!