Wednesday, March 31, 2010

10 years of struggles....

I have been heavy all my life from what I remember, pictures show me small as a child, but during my teen years I remember always being bigger than all my friends. Of course never as big as I am now....

In April 2000, I met my now husband. I was 210 lbs but quickly settled into "I'm in love and I don't have to work to find a man mode" and shot up to 245 lbs during our first together....

In May 2001, I joined weight watchers and was very diligent in working on getting the weight back off….

In November 2003, when we were married I was down to around 213 lbs…

In September 2004 When I had my son I was 260 lbs but blamed it on being pregnant for the first time. Being home for 14 weeks with him and struggling to nurse I lost the “baby” weight and got into the 240s but then started eating it right back on and by the time he had his first birthday in September 2005, I weighed 263 lbs, more than I did when he was born 1 year before.

In September 2005, I joined jenny craig with a girlfriend right after his birthday and I got down to 209 lbs by his second birthday in September 2006.

In January 2007, I got pregnant with my daughter and when I delivered her in September 2007 I was back up over 250 lbs again....

In January 2008, I started all over again at 253.8 lbs and set up new goals for exercising and counting calories and worked really hard but I just kept losing my motivation.

In November 2008, I formed a yahoo biggest loser group with a few of my friends and we had a friendly $20 competition to see who could be the biggest loser in 12 weeks. When we started I was 236.6 lbs and by February 2009 I was down to 220 lbs - I wasn't the biggest loser but I was happy and we started another 12 week session right away.

In May 2009, when our second session ended I had only gone down to 216.6 lbs and was quite disappointed.

We talked about doing another session over the summer but there wasn’t a lot of “chatter”….a friend from the group completed the Disney half marathon in January 2009 and I thought that was an awesome goal so I signed myself up for the 2010 race and started doing some “running/walking” training.

In August 2009, I started a more strict running plan and was exercising about 4-5 times a week…..I was at the gym, I was running outside after work and loving it.

In December 2009, we started a third session of the biggest loser and by then I was back up to 224.6 lbs. I knew I had the half marathon in January and just had to keep on trucking.

The week of the half marathon I weighed 224lbs BUT I completed the race in 3 hrs and 27 mins and was extremely proud of myself. With 1 stop for a picture at the castle and 1 stop to pee at the pirates of the Caribbean, I had completed a half marathon in just under 16 minutes per mile…my regular running pace had been just around 15 mins per mile while I trained but I had to pee and have my picture taken to save the memory, what could I do….I wasn’t sure about signing up for the Disney princess half marathon in March 2010. Several of my girlfriends were doing it but I just didn’t have the money to spend so close to the January trip to Disney (we live in Florida but it is still expensive for a family of 4 to trek off to Disney for a long weekend).

I ended up not signing up but continued to run about 3 days a week starting a new training program to work on building up my pace and endurance. In the last few weeks I have fallen off track due to my son’s new tball schedule and myself being sick with a cold….

I bought the Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred DVD over a month ago and finally opened it and have completed 4 days in a row since Saturday…..I jumped on the scale Saturday and was up to 228.1 lbs…definitely lit a fire under my ass since I had been “maintaining” between 220-225….I’m back to using myfitnesspal to track my food and my goal this time is to finally get below 200….199 by the first week of July for my 20 yr High School Class Reunion… is a pretty big goal but I think it is manageable…..I’ve asked the girls if they want to start another round of biggest loser since the third one pretty much petered out after a few weeks with no chatter, no weight or exercise reporting….this time instead of putting in money we are talking about a few hours of babysitting to the biggest loser from each of the other non biggest losers……nothing is set up yet but this is my newest plan….doing the shred DVD for 30 days straight and getting in other exercise at least 3 other times during the week, tracking my food and getting in my waters, fruits, vegetables and dairy....i know balance in everything is best and that is what i'm trying to do this time...

I have never felt “skinny” but know I have looked good based on what others have said….I want to make a life time change for the better so that there is no more up and down and up and down…I have 2 kids, 5.5 and 2.5 and I want them to have active healthy lives so that they don’t have the struggles that I have experienced….keeping up with myself is my biggest goal and failure in the past…I want to be healthy and I want to stay that way….I want to be the SKINNY me I have always dreamed of….